Thursday, June 4, 2009

I knew the MTV Incident was FAKE!

Above is the video showing it happen sorry, I couldn't get it in any higher quality this was all I could find.

YN at RapRadar recently reported that the MTV Incident was all fake. Sacha Baron Cohen caused a comotion as "Bruno" when he landed ass first on Eminem. Many said for the days whether the stunt was staged, and some said it was real, with everyone speaking except the man himself, Eminem. Breaking his silence, Em spoke exclusively to RapRadar about the entire "ordeal".

RR: Can you clear up the Bruno stunt at the MTV Awards? Was it staged or planned?
Eminem: Sacha called me when we were in Europe and he had an idea to do something outrageous at the Movie Awards. I'm a big fan of his work so I agreed to get involved with the gag.

If it wasn't planned the way you agreed to, do you hold MTV or Sacha responsible and will you take any kind of action?

I'm thrilled that we pulled this off better than we rehearsed it. It had so many people going "nuts" so to speak. Everyone was blowing me up about it.

After you left the ceremony, where did you go?
After the ceremony I went back to my hotel and laughed uncontrollably for about 3 hours. Especially after I saw it on air.

There is a report today that your hotel room was robbed and thieves got 60K and your laptop while you were at ceremony. Is that true and if so what would someone find on your computer?
The only thing was that I lost a Nike watch that we were looking for. The rest it is made-up like half the other stuff out there.

By the way... I saw it happen I was laughing the whole time.

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