Saturday, February 27, 2010

Food For Thought

Amazing picture I found on Flickr of the NYC skyline.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Friday, February 26, 2010

Finally Famous...

I'm a couple weeks late but, the kid 'Big Sean' is back with 'Supa Dupa Lemonade.'

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thoughts on My Mind | Isolated

Me and Amy were at Highline Park on like 14th Street when we were doing our mini-photoshoot thing and thought this was sort of a nice picture. What ya'll think?

Ok, I have no idea why but me and Addison were talking and then some how the subject of what we wanted and expected High School to be like came up. So we went to into this really deep conversation, and I said some stuff that even I was even surprised to here me say.

The conversation started out as him talking about life "friend groups" forming and how Yulia had changed and everything, then I started too tell him out High School was really not what I expected it to be honestly. As some of you might know I used to go to private school at LREI up on Houston and Bleeker and it's small classrooms like basically 15 kids or less in each class, so I was basically friends with everyone in the school. Last year, it was time to choose High School after I got my test results back and I think I remember getting into Millennium, Eleanor Roosevelt (I think I spelled that wrong), and two other ones I forget. I chose Millennium even though I wanted Beacon because it seemed like a cool place.

Flashforward to the new school year, I'm excited ready to make new friends and everything, whatever, whatever. And then I learn that half of the people that are going to this school already know each other (mostly everyone was from 89). So like automatically that just makes it awkward for me... then I met Pola. The first person I knew, I remember it. She was from a different school too so we started talking and got to know her better and eventually, she started making friends and wanted to introduce to this dude Nathan. Nathan was a cool guy. But, it was weird cause the friendship between me and her was short-lived cause we were in different sections.

So I was once again somewhat alone and finally after like I week or so I started making more friends in 9F (my section), and it was all good. After awhile though I started to question why (and how) I wasn't friends with a lot of people outside of my section and everything I thought of kept leading to the same thought.

Everyone knew each other cause of 89. And since I was isolated in that small school I felt like (I know this is cliche or whatever) a needle in a haystack, lol. Honestly. Then I started thinking about like the whole High School experience in general and how to get to parties, etc., etc. So pretty much I realised I needed to be more outgoing. That doesn't mean I'm not going to be me but, I have to not be so shy or whatever it is anymore that's holding me back from talking to certain people.

So basically, the true reason I have been rambling this whole time is to say, it never hurts to be yourself, you really honestly might regret not being friendly and saying "hi" to someone you see everyday or, maybe being shy in general. But, do keep one thing in mind, what ever you are lacking is always attainable.

"Fear is like an illusion of millions of cracks in a window you can't look through, the thing is... it's really actually clear."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Niagara Riverhouse


Monday, February 15, 2010

"Like My Sweet Brotha Nun-say!"


Nawww, me and this song are in love. One of the best on Kanye's "Late Registration".

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thoughts on My Mind | Welcome to February


Hola, familia. I know I might be a little late with this post but, I would like to share with you a pattern that always happens to me during february's specifically. Ever since I started middle school (and now I am in high school), I have always found February as the weirdest month out of the whole year. February consistently, for the past 5 years, have always been bad, or somewhat out of order, for instance, it can be simple as walking down the stairs every week in February since I started middle school I have fallen down a pair of steps. Usually, it's about one time a week. Also, in February's, my work flow seems to slow down but sudden constant not procrastination but occupation of projects, and lowering of regular grades etc. And the weirdest thing that happened to me this month was recently I almost was robbed of my computer (MacBook Air).

You see I had an ad up on Craigslist selling my computer and someone responded and wanted to see if it was still available... so I obviously responded "Yes, this Item is still available, are you looking to purchase?" He responds to me with an email saying "yes" but he is an international businessman and needs it to be shipped internationally (he was going to pay for the postage) and I get about $1,220 in the end. So it sounded like a great deal and fitted my income range and he wanted to pay through PayPal so I agreed and proceeded and I got an email from "PayPal" saying I got $1,350 in my balance (including postage) and I needed to give them the tracking number once shipped. I said "great" but, he didn't give me any info on if I was still paying for the postage and if I give it to UPS will I be charged so I go to the PayPal website and call them and 30 minutes later after setting up the account properly my balance was still at zero so the lady on the phone said could you read the email we "supposedly" send you and I read it. She said that the email was fraud and PayPal would never ask for the tracking number and send the postage, etc. All it added up because the postage stamp he gave me was false and everything. Well, curiosity is never a bad thing. For pictures of the emails he sent me hit the jump.

Welcome to February.

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